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  • for educators

    for educators

    implementing mobile learning, making technology transparent, leading change, self-organizing cultures, student agency and ownership, engaging community

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  • for innovators

    for innovators

    reality checks, strategic advice, disruptive innovation, product roadmapping and evolution, avoiding pitfalls, skating to where the money will be

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  • for leaders

    for leaders

    placing technology in the service of education, establishing thought leadership, white papers and presentations, outreach, pilot projects

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    please don't hesitate to contact us, we are always delighted to hear from those of you who are working to change education for the better

  • Wireless EdTech Conference

    CONFERENCE: While serving as VP, Wireless Education Technologies for Qualcomm, Bjerede collaborated with Chris Dede, as the intellectual architect of the inaugural Wireless Education Technology Conference.  Dede and Bjerede summarized the conference findings in the paper, Mobile Learning for the 21st Century

  • What is Transformation?

    PUBLICATION: Infographic developed for CoSN outlining what constitutes digital transformation. Big idea: getting the human and technical infrastructure in place is not the end game but just the beginning.

  • Learning Untethered

    PROJECT: What happens when 5th graders are given the personal, connected devices and the freedom to use them for both academics and their own purposes?  e-Mergents funded and managed a collaborative “guerrilla research” project to find out.
